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per 1 g

Energetic value





36.54 kJ


0.187 g


per dose

(2 capsules of 325 mg )

2,392 kcal



0.52 mg

0.10 mg

Each capsule contains:

Lactobacillus Crispatus (1 MM CFU); Lactobacillus Rhamnosus (1 MM cfu); Lactobacillus Gasseri (0.3 MM cfu); Lactobacillus Jensenii (0.2 MM cfu);

Excipients: fructo-oligosaccharides; hydroxypropyl-methylcellulose, corn starch; natural magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide; titanium oxide (E171).

Dosage: treatment (2 capsules of 325 mg / day))

maintenance / prevention: 1 to 2 capsules / day

distribution of capsules during the day at fixed times.


Encapsulated liposomal iron

encapsulated iron.png


Hydrophobic region
Non-polar carbon chains

Hydroliphic region
Cephalic pole

  • Increases absorption

  • Improves gastrointestinal resorption

  • Allows balanced absorption

  • Reduces the risk of side effects

Iron deficiency


Lack of iron, or iron deficiency, is a common health problem that can have several origins and lead to a variety of consequences. Here's an overview of the main causes and effects of iron deficiency on the body:

  • Iron deficiency:

    • An iron-poor diet, especially for vegetarians or those who don't eat enough red meat, green leafy vegetables, dried fruit and legumes, can lead to iron deficiency.

  • Reduced absorption :

    • Digestive disorders such as celiac disease or Crohn's disease can reduce the body's ability to absorb iron from food.

  • Increased blood loss :

    • Heavy menstruation in women, frequent blood donations, or internal bleeding (such as that caused by gastric ulcers) can lead to significant iron loss.

  • Increased needs :

    • Pregnancy, breastfeeding and periods of rapid growth (such as childhood and adolescence) increase the body's need for iron.

  • Chronic diseases :

    • Certain chronic diseases, such as kidney failure or inflammation, can interfere with iron metabolism.

Consequences of iron deficiency

  • Iron-deficiency anaemia:

    • The best-known consequence of iron deficiency is iron deficiency anaemia, characterised by a reduction in the production of haemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen. The symptoms are fatigue, paleness, dizziness and general weakness.

  • Cognitive and developmental problems :

    • In children, iron deficiency can delay psychomotor and cognitive development. In adults, it can affect concentration and mental performance.

  • Complications of pregnancy :

    • Lack of iron during pregnancy can lead to premature birth, low birth weight and complications during childbirth.

  • Reduced immunity :

    • Iron is crucial to the proper functioning of the immune system; a deficiency can make the body more vulnerable to infection.

  • Temperature control problems :

    • Some people suffering from iron deficiency have difficulty maintaining their body temperature, feeling excessively cold.

Prevention and treatment

Prevention and treatment of iron deficiency generally involve eating an iron-rich diet or taking iron supplements after medical consultation. It is also important to treat the underlying causes of deficiency, such as digestive disorders or internal bleeding. Regular monitoring of iron levels may be necessary for certain people at risk.

Managing iron deficiency is essential for maintaining good general health and avoiding long-term consequences.

Irona is a dietary supplement that can help iron intake in the case of small-scale deficiencies. It is absorbed directly through the mouth. The powder contained in the sachets dissolves immediately on contact with saliva.

Irona contains encapsulated iron, which is more effective than normal iron.

Irona also contains vitamins and minerals that increase the absorption of iron and supplement its intake.

Irona contains no gluten or lactose.

Side effects

Irona is well tolerated. The dosage must be respected.

But even when the product is considered to be well tolerated, it is advisable to seek the advice of a health professional, especially if the condition is recurrent or arises in particular situations.


Irona is an innovative preparation that provides iron as a preventive measure. The addition of vitamins, trace elements and folic acid makes it a useful adjuvant for women of all ages.

Health professionals, starting with your gynaecologist, are best placed to advise you on the appropriate measures to take. A balanced diet rich in the elements needed to create the ideal balance for proper organic functioning is the basis of any adequate nutritional intake.  Irona supplements a deficiency that may be due to particular circumstances or following certain illnesses.

What to do if you have anemia

Preventing iron deficiency



  • Anaemia is a medical condition characterised by a lack of healthy red blood cells or insufficient haemoglobin in the blood, which can lead to a reduction in the oxygen carried to the body's organs and tissues. Here are some general steps to follow if anaemia is suspected:

  • Consult a doctor: If you think you may be suffering from anaemia, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis. Anaemia can be a symptom of many medical conditions, some of which can be serious.

  • Tests and examinations : The doctor may recommend blood tests to confirm the anaemia and determine its type (such as iron-deficiency anaemia, megaloblastic anaemia, etc.). These tests will also help to identify the underlying cause.

  • Treatment : Treatment for anaemia depends on the cause. For example, anaemia due to iron deficiency may require iron supplements, while other types of anaemia may require vitamin B12 or folic acid. In some cases, treatment of the underlying condition is necessary to correct the anaemia.

  • Food and lifestyle : A balanced diet rich in iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid can help. Foods such as red meat, green leafy vegetables, nuts and dried fruit are good sources of these nutrients.

  • Regular monitoring : Regular monitoring by blood tests is often necessary to assess the effectiveness of the treatment and adjust as necessary.

  • Prevention : Preventing anaemia involves eating a healthy diet and, in some cases, taking food supplements if recommended by a health professional.

In short, anaemia requires a medical approach to identify the cause and adapt the treatment. Good communication with your doctor is crucial to managing this condition effectively.


Irona is a good food supplement which, combined with balanced nutrients rich in trace elements and vitamins, helps to compensate for anaemia associated with menstruation, for example, or a less well-balanced diet during a long trip, the climacteric period in women, etc...

by Elisabetta Bocci


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