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10 capsules
2 mg loperamide



Always take this medicine exactly as your doctor has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if in doubt.

· Acute diarrhea :

The usual dosage is:

  • in adults: start with 2 capsules, then after each unmolded stool, take an additional capsule, without exceeding 8 capsules per day.

  • in children over 8 years old: start with 1 capsule then after each unmolded stool, an additional capsule, without exceeding 6 capsules per day.

· Chronic diarrhea:

The usual dosage is:

  • in adults: 1 to 3 capsules per day.

  • in children over 8 years old: 1 to 2 capsules per day


· Allergic reactions which may include difficulty breathing or swallowing, swelling (of the face, lips, throat) or skin reactions (rash, hives, itching).

· Significant fatigue, inability to coordinate movements or loss of consciousness.

· Constipation, severe pain or swelling of the stomach or intestinal obstruction.

· Pain in the upper abdomen, abdominal pain radiating to the back, tenderness of the abdomen to touch, fever, rapid heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, which may be symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas (acute pancreatitis) (frequency indeterminate (cannot be estimated based on available data).





Diarrhoea is a common disorder of the digestive system, manifested by frequent liquid stools. Although often benign, it can become serious, particularly in children and the elderly, due to the risk of dehydration. Understanding the origin, mechanism, types and treatments of diarrhoea is essential if it is to be managed effectively.

Origine of diarrhoea

  • The causes of diarrhea are numerous and can be classified into several categories:

Infectious :

  • Bacterial: Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Shigella.

  • Virales : Rotavirus, Norovirus.

  • Parasitaires : Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica.

Non-infectious :

  • Food : Lactose intolerance, food allergies.

  • Médicamenteuses : Antibiotiques, laxatifs.

  • Inflammatory :Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

  • Functional: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Mechanism of Diarrhea

  • Diarrhea occurs when the balance between water absorption and secretion in the intestine is disturbed. Main mechanisms include:

  • Osmotic diarrhea :

       Occurs when unabsorbed substances                 draw water into the intestine. Examples                 include sorbitol ingestion or lactose


  • Secretory diarrhea :

       Results from excessive secretion of water             and electrolytes in the intestine. Bacterial             infections, such as cholera, are a frequent           cause.

  • Inflammatory diarrhea:

       Due to inflammation of the intestinal                     mucosa, often caused by inflammatory               diseases or invasive infections.

  • Motor diarrhea :

       Caused by increased intestinal motility,               often due to functional disorders such as             IBS.

Types of Diarrhea

Diarrhea can be classified into several types according to its duration and characteristics:

  • Acute diarrhea :

       Lasts less than two weeks. It is often caused         by infection or food poisoning.

  • Persistent diarrhea :

       Lasts two to four weeks. It may be caused           by persistent infections or underlying                   digestive disorders.

  • Chronic diarrhea :

       Lasts more than four weeks. Causes                     include inflammatory diseases,

       malabsorption disorders and certain


Treatment of Diarrhea

Treatment of diarrhea depends on its cause and severity:

  • Rehydration :

       Essential for preventing and treating

       dehydration. Oral rehydration solutions

       (ORS) containing electrolytes are


  • Food and water :

       In the event of acute diarrhoea, it is                       advisable to continue eating light, easily

       digestible foods. The BRAT diet (bananas,

       rice, applesauce, toast) is often


  • Medicines :

       Antidiarrhoeals: such as loperamide, to                 reduce intestinal motility.

  • Antibiotics : Prescribed in cases of confirmed bacterial infection.

  • Probiotics : To restore intestinal flora, particularly after infectious or antibiotic-related diarrhoea.

  • Treatment of the underlying cause :

       Identification and management of specific         causes such as food intolerances,                         inflammatory diseases or parasitic                       infections.


To prevent diarrhea, it is crucial to maintain good hygiene:

  • Wash your hands regularly.

  • Eat well-cooked food and drink clean water.

  • Avoid potentially contaminated food and drink, especially when traveling.


Diarrhea, although common, can have a variety of causes, some of them serious. A thorough understanding of its origins, mechanisms, types and treatments enables effective management and prevention of complications. Rehydration and hygiene are the cornerstones of prevention and initial treatment, while specific management depends on identifying the underlying cause.

Lagamid is a good diarrhea medication. It is fast-acting and effective. Widely used for travelers' diarrhea, it helps regulate the intestinal tract. But bear in mind that diarrhea, which is a symptomatic reaction to digestion, always (or almost always) has a cause, with various origins, some of which may be infectious.

The tourista

Find out about possible risks

Turista or travellers' diarrhoea


Turista, or travellers' diarrhoea, is a common gastrointestinal condition affecting people travelling to countries where hygiene and sanitation standards may be lower than in their home country. It is mainly caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with pathogens.

The main pathogens responsible for turista are :

  • Bacteria: Escherichia coli (especially the enterotoxigenic strain, ETEC), Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter jejuni.

  • Viruses: Norovirus, rotavirus.

  • Parasites : Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidium.


Lurista can be classified according to the pathogen involved and the symptoms presented:

  1. Bacterial: The most common form, caused by bacteria such as E. coli. Typical symptoms: watery diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, nausea, sometimes fever.

  2. Viral: Less common, caused by viruses such as norovirus. Symptoms: diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, fever.

  3. Parasitic: Caused by protozoa such as Giardia lamblia. Symptoms: persistent diarrhoea, bloating, gas, weight loss.


Symptoms of turista can vary depending on the pathogen involved, but generally include :

  1. Diarrhoea: Often watery, sometimes bloody in severe cases.

  2. Abdominal cramps: Pain and discomfort in the abdominal region.

  3. Nausea and vomiting: Common, especially in cases of viral infection.

  4. Fever: May accompany bacterial or viral diarrhoea.

  5. Fatigue and general malaise: Feeling weak and tired.

  6. Bloating and gas: Particularly common in parasitic infections.

  7. Loss of appetite: Reduced appetite due to gastrointestinal symptoms.


Treatment for turista depends on the severity of the symptoms and the pathogen involved. Treatment options include:

  1. Rehydration: The priority is to prevent dehydration. Drink plenty of water, oral rehydration solutions (ORS) or drinks containing electrolytes.

  2. Antibiotics: For severe bacterial infections, antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin or azithromycin may be prescribed.

  3. Antidiarrhoeals: Drugs such as loperamide can help reduce the frequency of diarrhoea, but should not be used in cases of bloody diarrhoea or high fever.

  4. Probiotics: Can help restore normal intestinal flora.

  5. Rest and diet: Adequate rest and a light diet (avoid fatty, spicy foods and dairy products).

Prevention Tips

  1. food:

    • Eat food that is well cooked and still hot.

    • Avoid raw or undercooked foods, including raw vegetables and peeled fruit.

    • Do not consume unpasteurised dairy products.

  2. Drinks :

    • Drink bottled or boiled water.

    • Avoid ice cubes and unbottled drinks.

    • Choose drinks in cans or sealed bottles.

  3. Hygiene :

    • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

    • Avoid touching your face, especially your mouth, eyes and nose, with unwashed hands.

  4. Preventive medicines :

    • In some cases, prophylactic antibiotics may be recommended for high-risk travellers.


Turista is a common but generally benign condition that can be effectively managed and prevented with simple measures of hygiene and food precaution. Countries where turista is most common include India, Mexico, Egypt, South-East Asian countries (such as Thailand), and some sub-Saharan African countries. Travellers should be informed of the risks and preventive measures to minimise their exposure to pathogens and make the most of their trip.

Lagap SA offers a number of useful preparations that should be included in any emergency kit. Lagamid as a treatment for diarrhoea. Electrona as a liquid to compensate for electrolyte loss, .

by Malek Ben Mansour


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