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Rhumalgan Emulgel

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50 g tube containing 10 mg of Diclofenac sodium per g of Emulgel

Composition and dosage


Each gram of emulgel contains: 11.6 mg of diclofenac diethylamine equivalent to 10 mg of diclofenac sodium



Rhumalgan Emulgel contains the active ingredient diclofenac, which is part of a group of medicines called nonsteroidal antirheumatic drugs - NSAIDs (analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs).

Rhumalgan Emulgel acts against pain and inflammation. Thanks to its water and alcohol content, it has a soothing and refreshing effect.



Rhumalgan Emulgel is used for the local treatment of pain, inflammation and swelling in cases of:

  • injuries to tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints, e.g. sprains, bruises, strains or back pain following sporting activity or an accident

  • localized forms of extraarticular rheumatism such as tendinitis (tennis elbow), shoulder-hand syndrome, bursitis, periarthropathy

  • and for the symptomatic therapy of osteoarthritis of small and medium-sized joints located close to the skin, such as the finger or knee joints.

  • ​

Rhumalgan Emulgel is intended for use in adults and adolescents aged 12 and over.



Apply a dab of gel to the area of pain or inflammation without strong massage. In the event of a sprain, the massage may be more pronounced. Application 2 to 3 times a day.

Do not apply to an open wound. Dry your hands thoroughly after application. Do not rub your eyes.

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Antorses, minor inflammations in sportsmen and women

Diclofenac emulgel is a form of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) commonly used to treat local pain and inflammation. It is particularly popular with sportspeople for a number of reasons:


  • Local application : The emulgel can be applied directly to the skin, specifically targeting painful or swollen areas. This can be useful for treating localised sports injuries such as sprains, contusions or tendonitis.


  • Absorption rapide : The emulgel formulation is designed to allow rapid absorption of diclofenac through the skin, providing relatively rapid relief of pain and inflammation.


  • Convenience : Using a gel allows for easy, clean application, which is practical for sportspeople who may need to apply it before or after training or competitions.


  • Efficiency : Studies show that diclofenac emulgel can be effective in reducing pain and promoting the healing of musculoskeletal injuries.


  • Safety : Although generally safe when used as directed, diclofenac can cause side effects, including skin reactions or irritation at the application site. It is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations and consult a healthcare professional to ensure proper use, especially if you are using other medications or have pre-existing medical conditions.


It is always advisable for sportspeople to talk to a health professional before starting any treatment with NSAIDs to make sure there are no contraindications or risks of reactions with other treatments.



Rhumalgan Emulgel is an OTC medicine sold in pharmacies in the form of a gel in a 50 g tube.

Rhumalgan Emulgel is appreciated by sportsmen and women for its immediate effect due to a sensation of cold (light local anaesthetic), which acts on the pain and "relaxes" the injured area.)

Please follow the instructions for use in the leaflet carefully and/or seek advice from a health specialist.




The most common minor injuries and inflammations in amateur sport

Amateur sport is an essential part of daily life for millions of people around the world. It has many benefits for physical and mental health. However, like any physical activity, it carries a risk of injury, particularly minor injuries and inflammation. This article looks at the most common injuries encountered by amateur sportspeople, their causes and ways of preventing them.

1. Sprains and strains

Description :

  • Sprain: Injury to the ligaments surrounding a joint, generally caused by twisting or hyperextension.

  • Sprain: Stretch or tear of the muscles or tendons.

Causes :

  • Sudden or inappropriate movement.

  • Poor warm-up.

  • Muscular fatigue.

Symptoms :

  • Pain and swelling.

  • Sensitivity and bruising.

  • Reduced mobility.

Prevention :

  • Warm up properly before exercise.

  • Wear appropriate footwear.

  • Regular muscle strengthening and stretching.

2. Tendinites

Description :

Inflammation of the tendons, the structures that connect the muscles to the bones.

Causes :

  • Overuse (repetitive movements).

  • Poor technique.

  • Age (natural wear and tear).

Symptoms :

  • Localised pain, often aggravated by movement.

  • Sensitivity and swelling.

Prevention :

  • Good sports technique.

  • Sufficient rest periods.

  • Stretching before and after the activity.

3. Bursites

Description :

Inflammation of the bursae, the small fluid-filled pockets that protect the joints.

Causes :

  • Repeated pressure on a joint (elbows, knees).

  • Repetitive movements.

Symptoms :

  • Swelling and redness.

  • Pain and sensitivity.

Prevention :

  • Use of knee or elbow pads.

  • Limiting repetitive movements.

4. Muscular contractures

Description :

Involuntary, prolonged contraction of a muscle.

Causes :

  • Intense or prolonged physical effort.

  • Dehydration.

  • Electrolyte imbalance.

Symptoms :

  • Muscle pain and stiffness.

  • Reduced mobility.

Prevention :

  • Adequate hydration.

  • Regular stretching.

  • Strengthening muscles.

5. Plantar Fascites

Description :

Inflammation of the plantar fascia, a fibrous band connecting the heel to the toes.

Causes :

  • Overuse (running).

  • Bad posture.

  • Unsuitable footwear.

Symptoms :

  • Heel pain, particularly in the morning or after a period of inactivity.

  • Sensitivity in the arch of the foot.

Prevention :

  • Wear suitable sports shoes.

  • Warming up and stretching the foot muscles.

  • Sufficient rest.

6. Tibial periostitis

Description :

Inflammation of the periosteum, the membrane covering the tibia.

Causes :

  • Overuse (running, jumping).

  • Poor sporting technique.

  • Unsuitable footwear.

Symptoms :

  • Pain and tenderness along the tibia.

  • Slight swelling.

Prevention :

  • Wear appropriate footwear.

  • Avoid hard surfaces when running.

  • Strengthening calf muscles.

Injury Management

  • RICE method: Rest, ice, compression, elevation.

  • Anti-inflammatories: Use of over-the-counter drugs such as ibuprofen.

  • Physiotherapy: Follow-up by a professional for specific exercises.

  • Active rest: Light physical activity to prevent loss of fitness.


Minor injuries and inflammations are common in amateur sport. A good understanding of the symptoms, causes and methods of prevention can help sportspeople minimise the risk of injury. In the event of an injury, it is important to consult a health professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.


Lagap SA offers an appropriate gel as well as anti-inflammatories to help with this type of problem. Our anti-inflammatories have been tried and tested for several decades. Their galenic forms have been regularly improved and adapted.

by Bahjat Moussalli




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